Announcing libmusicbrainz release 5.1.0

I have released a new version of libmusicbrainz. The main changes in this release are the removal of ‘non-free’ XML parsing code, replacing it with libxml2. N.B. Due to the ABI change, the soname of this library has been bumped. Existing applications will need to be recompiled against the new version. The following are the main changes in this release:

  • Fix LMB-33 – Handle ‘ended’ element in ‘relation’
  • Fix LMB-34 – Remove non-free XML parser and replace with libxml2
  • Add support for cross-compilation and building out of tree

The release is available here: libmusicbrainz-5.1.0.tar.gz (MD5 checksum: 4cc5556aa40ff7ab8f8cb83965535bc3) Documentation for the new version is available under

Announcing libmusicbrainz releases 4.0.3 and 5.0.1

Regrettably, a couple of errors were found close to the release of v4.0.2 and v5.0.0. I have just released v4.0.3 and v5.0.1 with the following changes:

– Fix LMB-32 – Correctly ignore unrecognised nodes
– Don’t compile using -Werror when building from tarball

The releases are available:

(MD5 checksum: 19b43a543d338751e9dc524f6236892b)

(MD5 checksum: a0406b94c341c2b52ec0fe98f57cadf3)

Documentation for the new version is available under

Apologies to all for the need to make this release so soon after the last one.


Announcing libmusicbrainz4 releases 4.0.1 and 5.0.0

Andy Hawkins says:


I am pleased to announce two new versions of libmusicbrainz:

libmusicbrainz-4.0.2 has been updated to take account of changes made to the server on 15th May 2012. Some interfaces are now marked as deprecated, as they have been extended during the work.

Full documentation is available here:

The release can be downloaded here:

(MD5 checksum 5ff62abeca00fdad1bb3a8f99065ae61)

libmusicbrainz-5.0.0 has been introduced to enable the library to be more easily included in Debian due to a conflicting package name. It is identical to libmusicbrainz-4.0.2, with the following exceptions:

1. All include files are now in the musicbrainz5 directory

2. You should now link against libmusicbrainz5 (-lmusicbrainz5)

3. All previously deprecated functions have been removed.

Please note that all future work is likely to only occur on the 5.x library, so this should be used wherever possible.

Full documentation is available here:

The release can be downloaded here:

(MD5 checksum 3396e0c66cfacfa1f32abc7cfdbcbe13)

As ever, please report any issues in JIRA at

under the project ‘libmusicbrainz’.

If you have any questions, please post them in the musicbrainz-devel mailing list. I will also attempt to be available on the #musicbrainz-devel IRC channel on Freenode.

Announcing libmusicbrainz4 release 4.0.1

v4.0.1 of libmusicbrainz4 has now been released. This is primarily a maintenance release to fix a couple of bugs that were reported. Additionally, the code has now moved to GitHub, and can now be found at

The main changes are:

  • Fixed bug LMB-30 – Unable to access all relation lists on objects with multiple relation lists
  • Fixed bug LMB-31 – mb_relationlist_get_targettype always returns “target-type”

The interface has changed as regards to retrieving relation lists, due to LMB-30. Previously, the library only returned the last relation list that was returned in the XML response. The old ‘RelationList’ method on the Artist, Label, Recording, Release, ReleaseGroup and Work classes has been marked ‘deprecated’, and a new ‘RelationListList’ method will return a list of all relation lists for the entity.

For backwards compatibility, the ‘RelationList’ method will operate in the same manner as release 4.0.0, only returning the last relation list.

As ever, please see the enclosed README for details on support and bug reporting. The release is available for download at

libmusicbrainz 4.0.0 released!

Andy Hawkins says:

In conjunction with Lukas I’ve been working on a complete rewrite of libmusicbrainz to support the new Web Service v2 released alongside NGS. I’m happy to announce the official release of this new library (libmusicbrainz4).

The library is written as a relatively simple parser for the results from the Web Service, with as little logic as possible. This should mean it is easy to maintain to keep in step with any changes in the schema for the XML Web Service.

The main interface is a C++ class ‘CQuery’, that returns a Metadata object containing a parsed version of the response. There is also a C interface that loosely wraps the C++ classes.

Using the library requires a good understanding of the queries and responses to and from the Web Service. Download the library, or browse the online documentation or generate the documentation from the source with make docs.

If you find any issues, please report them using JIRA (under the project ‘libmusicbrainz’).

I will follow the musicbrainz-devel mailing list and the #musicbrainz-devel IRC channel on freenode in order to answer questions if at all possible.



Beta 2 release of libmusicbrainz4

Andy Hawkins has continued to make great work on the 4th version of libmusicbrainz, and has just announced the second beta release. Andy writes:

I am pleased to announce the second Beta release of libmusicbrainz4, a client library for retrieving data from the MusicBrainz service using the latest /ws/2 web service.

This is a significant rewrite of the code since Beta 1, but this should mean it is much easier to maintain going forward. Unfortunately it is not ABI compatible with Beta 1, which will mean all client applications will need to be recompiled (and are likely to require some code changes).

The main changes are in the areas of list handling, with a cleaner internal implementation of lists. Additionally, the C interface is now generated automatically from an XML description file, and there is correct handling for some XML schema changes that have been made since the first release. Finally, the ownership of items in the C interface has changed slightly, please check the documentation for each method in the C interface for full details.

Note that some include files have been removed. I would recommend that you clean out the ‘include/musicbrainz4’ directory in your install location before installing this newer version.

The library is available to download here:

Documentation is generated from the source (make docs), an online copy is available here:

Please also check the sample programs (under ‘examples’) for details on how to use the library.

If you find any issues, please report them using JIRA (under the project ‘libmusicbrainz’) here:

As ever, please feel free to ask any questions about the library either here or via the #musicbrainz-devel channel on IRC (when I’m around).

Beta release of libmusicbrainz4 with NGS support

Andy Hawkins and Lukáš Lalinský have been doing some work on libmusicbrainz, and a beta release of version 4 is now available. Here’s what Andy has to say:

Hi all,

In conjunction with Lukas I’ve been working on a complete rewrite of libmusicbrainz to support the new Web Service v2 released alongside NGS. I’m happy to announce the first Beta release of this new library (libmusicbrainz4).

The library is written as a relatively simple parser for the results from the Web Service, with as little logic as possible. This should mean it is easy to maintain to keep in step with any changes in the schema for the XML Web Service.

The main interface is a C++ class ‘CQuery’, that returns a Metadata object containing a parsed version of the response. There is also a C interface that loosely wraps the C++ classes.

Using the library requires a good understanding of the queries and responses to and from the Web Service.

The library is available to download here:

Documentation is generated from the source (make docs), an online copy is available here:

If you find any issues, please report them using JIRA (under the project ‘libmusicbrainz’) here:

I will attempt to be available via this mailing list and the #musicbrainz-devel IRC channel on freenode in order to answer questions if at all possible.

Release of RBrainz, version 0.2

I’m reposting this from the MusicBrainz-devel mailing list: Version 0.2 of RBrainz, a Ruby library to access the MusicBrainz web service, has been released. With this release all of the features provided by the MusicBrainz web service are supported. The most notable changes from the previous beta releases are: * Querying of collections * User … Continue reading “Release of RBrainz, version 0.2”

I’m reposting this from the MusicBrainz-devel mailing list:

Version 0.2 of RBrainz, a Ruby library to access the MusicBrainz web service, has been released.

With this release all of the features provided by the MusicBrainz web service are supported. The most notable changes from the previous beta releases are:

* Querying of collections

* User authentication and querying of user information

* PUID submission

* Support for label aliases

* Complete support of the MusicBrainz metadata scheme 1.2 (including the upcoming tagging)

A complete list of changes can be found at

I like to thank Nigel Graham who joined development and implemented important parts of the library. Without him this complete release wouldn’t have been so early possible.

For more information about RBrainz see the following resources:


API documentation:


python-musicbrainz2-0.4.0 released

The official python bindings for MusicBrainz, python-musicbrainz2 have been released. Starting with this version, the API is stable and the package is considered ready for general use.


* Download page
* API documentation

Thanks go to everyone who participated in the development, most notably Lukáš Lalinský who ported picard-0.7 to python-musicbrainz2, created binary packages and has contributed bug reports and patches.

Matthias Friedrich

libmusicbrainz 2.1.3 released

libmusicbrainz 2.1.3 has just been released! Changes in this release:

  • New queries for selecting album artists:
    • MBS_SelectAlbumArtist
    • MBE_AlbumGetAlbumArtistName
    • MBE_AlbumGetAlbumArtistSortName
  • New query MBE_AlbumGetCdindexId
  • Using size_t instead of int in networking code
  • Little fixes in the API documentation
  • Python bindings:
    • Using the new ctypes 0.9.9.x API, with support to fallback to the old API if only an old ctypes version is installed
    • Removed dependency on ctypes in

You can also view the complete diff of this change. You can download the new release in the usual place. Big thanks to Lukas and Sander for working on this release!

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