MusicBrainz Server git repo path change

We’ve changed the path to our main MusicBrainz Server git repository. The repo is now available at:

Please update your local repos accordingly!

To update a repo run:
git remote set-url origin git://

Where origin is the name of the remote repo (run git remote -v to find that out if you’re not sure).

Note: The previous path has been turned into a symlink to ease this transition, but it will stop working as of November 1st so make sure to update sooner rather than later!

If you are a developer with write access, replace the url above with:

Next Generation Schema: Release Candidate 1

We’re working hard to get to the Release Candidate 1 release for NGS. We’ve got lots of code reviews in progress, lots of code being committed and a lot of activity all working towards shipping NGS.

However, as we’re working an exposing new features we’re still getting a number of new bugs submitted that expose other issues that we need to address. This is the problem with porting a very large old codebase — we need to simply slog through it and get it done as soon as we can.

With those caveats, I’ll say that I expect the RC1 release to happen somewhere near the end of November. When we get closer and our bug list is converging, I’ll post an actual date for this release. In the meantime, we’re going to put our heads down and get more work done.

Sorry for being vague about this — but I would much rather not slip anymore releases.

The Guardian adds MusicBrainz IDs to its articles via its Open Platform

Martin Belam from the Guardian says:

The announcement is that we’re adding Linked Data to the Guardian’s Open Platform. We’ve tagged about 20,000 articles with MusicBrainz IDs and ISBNs, and we’ll add more sources soon.

So, for example, if you want to use our Cee Lo coverage on your web site or for an iPhone or iPad app or wherever, you can query the Open Platform to get content from the Guardian to integrate your app.

There are more details in this introduction and more more information on how to search the Guardian with MusicBrainz IDs. I’m really stoked that MusicBrainz IDs are reaching beyond the music world. If we reached mainstream journalism today, where are we going tomorrow?

Thanks for all of your hard work Martin!

New NGS data dump available

I’ve just pushed out a new NGS data dump.

We’re finishing up work on the migration scripts and we’re hoping to finalize the last schema change for NGS next week. After that the NGS schema will be officially frozen in anticipation of the release. After this change I will update the data on the test server and restart the replication feed for one (hopefully) last time.

Stay tuned for more updates!