ListenBrainz App: Feed and UI Revamp (Release 2.3.0)

We are pleased to release the Feed for the ListenBrainz Android app, as well as a new settings page!

Three new feeds now allow app users to keep up with the activity of their ListenBrainz friends, as well as discover new music from listeners with similar music tastes.

My Feed shows the activity of your follows, including what they’ve reviewed, pinned, recommended, and more. Follow Listens displays the listens, chronologically, of all your follows, so you can check on what your friends are jamming right this second. Similar Listens displays, chronologically, the listens of your closest musical ’neighbours’, a great way to discover new music and perhaps even make new friends.

Continue reading “ListenBrainz App: Feed and UI Revamp (Release 2.3.0)”

ListenBrainz App 2.0.0: A Major Leap Forward

We are excited to announce the release of ListenBrainz 2.0.0, an update that we launched around 3 weeks ago with a lot of improvements, and bug fixes. This release saw significant contributions from community members, as well as new contributors making their debut in the ListenBrainz project.

Continue reading “ListenBrainz App 2.0.0: A Major Leap Forward”

Updates and New Features for ListenBrainz Android App (Release 1.3.0)

We are thrilled to announce the latest updates and features for the ListenBrainz Android App. Here’s a rundown of the changes in our latest release.

Continue reading “Updates and New Features for ListenBrainz Android App (Release 1.3.0)”

ListenBrainz App is now available on the PlayStore!

We have released the ListenBrainz app for Android! Track your music listening habits and connect with other music lovers around the world, with this exciting new app.

A image of an Android phone with some ListenBrainz style bubbles around it

Get the app on the Google PlayStore.

Continue reading “ListenBrainz App is now available on the PlayStore!”

Mobile Apps: Let’s welcome the ListenBrainz App!

Greetings, Everyone!

During the recent summit, we discussed the future of our mobile apps. We believe that the MusicBrainz app serves a particular user base which is highly interested in scrolling through their collections, using the barcode scanner, searching for entities and viewing this data with a native mobile experience. The tagger in the android app is not accurate and doesn’t carry forward the expectations brought in from using Picard on the Desktop. Hence, we have decided to retire the tagger from the MusicBrainz app.

Recently, we have added the BrainzPlayer to the app, Spotify support and functionalities to review and submit listens to ListenBrainz. While the features are really good, they don’t align with the MusicBrainz app and confuse the two separate user bases, that of MusicBrainz and ListenBrainz.

Given that we have limited contributors working on our mobile apps, we have decided to separate the two mobile apps with their respective features. MusicBrainz App will be stripped of these excessive features, while also removing the tagger and continue to be available on the Play store as a minimalistic app.

Our major focus will move to the ListenBrainz app which will continue to have regular updates and features made while existing on the Play store as a separate app.

We are excited and happy with this announcement. Hope you agree with our decision. Thank you!

MusicBrainz App 2021 Updates

Greetings, Everyone!

2021 has been a great year for the MusicBrainz Android App. The app has received updates regularly throughout the year!

Now that we are very close to 10,000+ users on the Playstore, it is evident that the app caters to the needs of a number of users, which is wonderful!

We have plans to introduce new features, involving those of ListenBrainz and CritiqueBrainz in the app. We are confident that the app serves its purpose of introducing everyone to the MetaBrainz world very soundly.

The app now features both a light and dark mode for the users!

Notable feature updates made this year can be found at

During the end of the year, we have made some remarkable technical updates to the codebase by introducing Fastlane to the app. This eases the process for the developers and allows us to make a release with the click of a button. This means now we can have a production release every month, day, or hour.

Although going strong and steady, the MusicBrainz developers would love more contributors to join in and share their knowledge with us, while we dive deep into the world of music.

Play Store: MusicBrainz – Apps on Google Play

F-Droid: MusicBrainz | F-Droid – Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Github: metabrainz/musicbrainz-android

Thank you!

GSoC’21: MusicBrainz Android App: Dawn of Showdown

Greetings, Everyone!

I am Akshat Tiwari (akshaaatt on IRC), an undergraduate student from Delhi Technological University, India.

It has been an exhilarating experience for me, right from submitting a proposal for GSoC to becoming a part of a fantastic community.

The Google Summer of Code 2021 Edition finally comes to an end after the 3-Month long journey. I will be detailing the journey of working towards my summer of code project today. This blog is a summary of all the work done.

Continue reading “GSoC’21: MusicBrainz Android App: Dawn of Showdown”

MusicBrainz App

Greetings, Everyone!

The MusicBrainz Mobile App developers have been working at full capacity, improving the user experience, incorporating more features and functionalities, while making sure the core purpose of the app remains as promised.

Since its inception in 2010, the MusicBrainz Official App has come a long way. The App currently is highly maintained and has been actively open for contributions. A systematic approach is being followed and updates are being made on a regular basis.

The most important revamp which has been worked on for the past few months is the Tagger feature available in the MusicBrainz Android App.

Functionalities like fetching the local album arts, searching through all your local music files at one go, retrieving the cover art from the server, and heading to the recording directly are some of the key highlights of the upcoming Tagger.

Picard has finally made an official entry to the MusicBrainz App where users can now send their releases to the original Picard desktop app with the click of a button. This has been worked on in collaboration with the Picard team and proper documentation on its usage will be shared soon.

The completely new addition of Listen and Critique showcases the functionalities of ListenBrainz and CritiqueBrainz websites natively from the app. Currently, these will be available as advanced features on the app.

A well-prepared Onboarding and About section will take you through every important detail on the app and make sure you are aware of all the functionalities in the best and optimized way possible.

Proper documentation of every feature is being prepared. The App is finally out in Production, do head to the stores and give it a try!

We are really excited to make the MusicBrainz App as user-friendly as possible for you, while we take care of all the wonder behind it!

Play Store: MusicBrainz – Apps on Google Play

F-Droid: MusicBrainz | F-Droid – Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Github: metabrainz/musicbrainz-android

Thank you!